12 Step Program for Addiction: Types & Benefits

The sponsorship model as well as regular meeting times encourage the kind of social support that has helped countless people stay clean. Because recovery is a lifelong process, there’s no wrong way to approach the 12 Steps as the sober house participant tries to figure out what works best for their individual needs. In fact, most participants find that as they grow in their recovery they will need to revisit some steps or even tackle more than one step at a time.

It also seemed to be more effective for individuals with severe psychiatric problems and those who were atheist or agnostic. This approach has also been formalized into a relatively brief intervention that could be implemented in a number of settings. It was called “systematic encouragement and community access” and involved a counselor calling a community 12-Step volunteer.

Recovery Coaching

Members of the AA fellowship begin working these steps as part of their journey to finding lasting sobriety. Recovery is possible, especially with the help of loved ones and groups like AA. Attend meetings for loved ones of those recovering from an addiction as a way of supporting yourself and connecting with others who can relate. Bear in mind the person recovering from an addiction will need real-time to go through these big steps (not just a few days or a month).

For those with substance use disorders, 12-step programs can be a useful place to find support regarding the use of alcohol, narcotics, maintained methadone treatment, or other substances. Many people state that their participation in a 12-step program literally saved their life, and the number of groups around the world continues to grow. On their own, these programs have been shown to increase both adult and adolescent abstinence over the short and long-term, though such research is limited. More rigorous research has showed that 12-step programs paired with treatment enhances long-term recovery outcomes, as compared to similar programs without the twelve-step group component. Twelve-step programs represent one of many support resources for people in recovery, but should be used in conjunction with medical treatment for the best outcomes in order to increase the likelihood of individuals recovering to live healthy lives.

Renewal Center for Ongoing Recovery

One misconception of 12-Step programs is that they center around religion. No one will ever ask you about your religion or your view of a higher power. The 12 Steps were inspired by spiritual ideals that focus on ideas of honesty, faith, humility, and repentance.

  • You are encouraged to find a sponsor in 12-Step programs.
  • Many people state that their participation in a 12-step program literally saved their life, and the number of groups around the world continues to grow.
  • Through sponsorship and meetings, members get social support to help them stay clean.

Now, aged 29, I had made a decision to move back in with my family – temporarily, I assured myself – in order to clean up. Before long, I was in the car outside the local drug recovery service, curled up in a ball, my face pressed against the window. I was dependent on Valium; it helped me carry on functioning, at least for a while. I tried to detox at home, but found myself sobbing, feeling as if I was falling apart. This triggered a return to using crystal meth as an analgesic, and bouts of severe paranoia.

Online Family Support Group

Buchman then wrote a letter of amends to the board of directors. Buchman reportedly felt the communications between himself and a higher power open up again. For Buchman, this experience served as a model to help him change, and he believed he could use it to help other people change as well. The 12 Steps of the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) program are available on the official AA website.

12 step program

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